Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I am a firm believer that the universe, and God, try to keep a balance with things. Kind of like in science class, where we learned that "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction," in life to I believe there is some form of balance. I don't think that there is any one person on earth that has all bad luck, nor is there someone that leads a perfect life. Granted, there are individuals who are certainly handed a more difficult situation, it is more about what you make of it. I have met some pretty incredible people who have had to deal with some pretty lousy stuff, but they don't let it ruin them. I have also met some people that run into difficult circumstances and they become the most rotten and self depreciating versions of themselves. It baffles me how two people handle the same set back in two totally different ways...or even more surprising is when someone getting cut off in traffic can ruin someone's day, yet there is someone else out there with some really huge hurdles to face, but is keeping a great attitude.

I'm not sure if this last really crummy year will turn around for me soon, of if this is the universe's way of balancing out a pretty charmed life so far. Either way, I really enjoy keeping a positive outlook on the future and what great possibilities lie ahead. I really do enjoy the daily reminders that even though in my small little chunk of the world, things seem really insurmountable, that I really am quite lucky to have what I have. I see other moms dealing with babies with special needs, and I kiss my healthy little boy. I see women out there with what seems like the perfect life, yet is dealing with a troubled marriage. And then I see super successful career women, yet they never see their families. It puts everything in perspective. Makes me feel silly for focusing on such trivial things.

The doctors at OHSU said that according to my 14-page questionnaire, I am "moderately depressed." I think that they are terribly misinformed. Anyone who knows me would never put the two words "Sarah" and "depressed" in the same sentence. I can't stand being melancholy over something I can't control. What is the point of ruining today if you can't change yesterday and you have no idea what tomorrow will bring? I don't want to waste my time on being sad or sorry for myself! I have a great life and things will get better :)

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